Past Experiences

This is an account of everything that has happened to me before I started this blog. They are not in order of occurance, just the order in which I can remember them.
I hope you find this interesting!

The Girls

When I was little (before I went to school), I used to see two little girls. They were both blonde, wore little dresses and always held hands. They never spoke to me; they just giggled and whispered to each other. The looked roughly 5yrs old but I felt like I was older than them. If I looked at them, they’d giggle. I never felt scared or wondered why no else could see them

The London Bombings

I had the following dream about the choir I was in at the time.

I was trying to get a room with my friend while we were staying overnight somewhere for a competition. We couldn’t get one with just the two of us and we had to share with 4 other girls. I knew the others and didn’t mind. 
We made our way to the room and I remember standing in the doorway. There were six single beds, 3 either side of the room and large windows opposite the door. I could see lots of green grass and bushes out of the window as if there were a garden outside.

I had completely forgotten about the dream, even as we were allocating rooms for a competition a month later. We were in a grand building that used to be a private school with dorms. My friend I did try to get a room on our own but ended up having to share with 4 other girls that were younger than us but we knew them so it was ok.

I only remembered the dream when I stood in the doorway to our room. I remember feeling stunned and everything slowed down. It was exactly the same as my dream. There were three single beds either side of the room, the large window was opposite the door. There was a stately garden outside and the girls in the room were the same as in the dream. We didn’t socialise with them normally so there’s no real reason for me to think of them or share a room with them. I told my friend about it and we agreed it was rather spooky!

That night, I had another dream. Again, I didn’t think much of it at the time.

I was going about my normal daily routine (although it wasn’t actually my own) and was distracted by a loud booming sound. Suddenly people were running everywhere and there was smoke, black soot and blood everywhere I looked. Then I heard another loud boom, far off in the distance this time. People were screaming, running for safety and tending to wounds. I wondered why they were bombing England in this day and age. We weren’t at war; we were just on our way to work. 

I told my dream to my friends over breakfast. I didn’t think much of it, just that it wasn’t very nice. It was my last Choir tour so I was keeping a video diary. We were on the coach waiting to leave for our competition but it was taking ages. I whipped out my camera and began chatting away. For some reason, something was telling me to focus on the clock at the front of the coach. The time was 9.17am – the exact time that a Code Amber Bomb Threat was declared.

Much later in the morning we heard the news of the bombings and I was beside myself – had I really had a premonition of this in my dreams?

The Man in My Car

I had gone to the cinema with a friend and parked in my usual spot. I’d parked in that spot several times a week for months - I was a regular back then! We walked round to the front and I suddenly had the feeling I hadn’t locked my car. We went back to check and from a distance, we both saw a man sitting in my car. You can imagine how scary this was seeing as I thought I hadn’t locked it! From roughly 100 yards, we both saw the man sitting in the driving seat but he wasn’t moving, just waiting. We both got right up to the window before he completely disappeared. I’ve parked there several times since and haven’t seen it again.

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